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Monday, February 20, 2012

Card Trick That is Simple, But is a Good One.

You will need a deck of cards only. If you mess up this trick, it won't work. But if you get it done correctly, they will totally fall for it. Here is how you do it: Step One: Ask a person to pick any card. Make sure that you don't see it. If you do see the card and the person that you're doing it to notices, they won't fall for it. So just don't try to see it. Step Two: Ask them to remember that card and then put it in the middle of the deck. Step Three: Shuffle the deck and make sure that card they picked stays on the top if you can't shuffle, then, sorry, but you cannot do the trick. Step Four: Pick up their card and ask:"Is this your card?" And if you do it right, they will be begging for you to teach them. Do it only once per person, they will notice the secret. That's how I learned it. My mom was doing it to me twice, and i noticed she was keeping my card on the top when she was shuffling.

Simple Card Trick

In this card trick you will need just a deck of cards. This trick may bot always work. I'm sorry if it doesn't. Here is how you do it: Step One: Ask your friend or family member to shuffle your deck. Then they will be convinced that you don't shuffle it in the way that some other tricks will need. Step Two: Ask the friend or family member to name two cards. Not the suit. Like if the friend or family member says:"Ace of Diamonds and The Jack of Spades." If they say that then tell them: "No, you cant say the suit.". Step Three: Then skim through the deck and see if the two types of cards the the friend or family member said are next to each other. They are there eight out of nine times. So if you are in a magic act at a talent show or something, I would suggest not to do it and do another trick.
Good luck!